Established in 1959 by the Lebanon County Commissioners, the Authority serves both the County and City of Lebanon. Board Members of the Authority are appointed by the Lebanon County Commissioners and serve both the Redevelopment Authority and the Housing Authority. Karen Raugh is the Executive Director of the Redevelopment Authority. Staff includes Jody Chernich, Community Development Specialist, and Dan Lyons, Programs Director.
In the News
The Lebanon County Redevelopment Authority helps Palmyra based non-profit, Caring Cupboard obtain funds for the development of the Share Park project. Read more about it here: LebTown

Millcreek Township Housing Rehab Program
Contact Jody Chernich at for inquiries and intake into the Millcreek Township Housing Rehab Program. Full program guidelines may be downloaded by clicking here.
Established in 1959 by the Lebanon County Commissioners, the Authority serves the entire County of Lebanon. Board Members of the Authority are appointed by the Lebanon County Commissioners and serve staggered five-year terms.
About the Redevelopment Authority
The Redevelopment Authority administers the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), the Whole-Home Repairs Program (WHRP), the Home Investment Partnerships Program (HOME), PHARE, and other state/federal community development programs. The County of Lebanon receives about $500,000 of Small Cities CDBG including sub-allocations for South Lebanon Township and Millcreek Township. HOME funding is sought competitively every couple years and averages about $250,000 per year.
The Authority is also the designated Administrator of the City of Lebanon Land Bank and the Lebanon County Stormwater Consortium. It is an eligible recipient for pass-through funding through the Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP) from the Office of Budget.
The Authority has been instrumental in the revitalization of many areas of the County. The Southside Disaster Urban Renewal Project brought more than $30 million to the City of Lebanon. A direct result of this project was that large areas of the City were protected from flooding. Among the areas developed were: the YMCA, the Lebanon Community Library, Lebanon Valley Farmers Bank, H.A. Boyd, Bittner Blvd., the 12th Street corridor, and Progress Park.
The Authority operates multiple housing rehab programs that provide grants and/or loans to income-eligible homeowners to make repairs to their properties. Special funding is available for older adults. The Authority runs a housing accessibility program for persons with disabilities, whether they rent or own their homes. It also runs the First-Time Homebuyer Program. For details about these programs, contact Jody Chernich at or 717-273-9326 x134.
County Community Development Program sub-grants are available to non-profit organizations and most Lebanon County municipalities. Applications are usually accepted in July and August. Contact the Redevelopment Authority at 717-273-9326 or for an application packet. Eligible activities include:
- Street construction/reconstruction
- Storm and sanitary sewers, water lines
- Curb/sidewalk
- Public service and ADA modifications
- Blight remediation
All activities must benefit low- and moderate-income persons.
The Authority will also assist municipalities in applying for Pennsylvania Competitive CDBG funding for eligible activities. The minimum grant is $100,000 with no ceiling limit. Contact the Authority for additional information.
The Redevelopment Authority carries out acquisition, relocation, and clearance activities as requested by County municipalities. Through the Lebanon Valley Non-Profit Development Corporation, it assists with the reuse of Brownfields areas.